Coffee Subscription (Monthly)

Coffee Subscription (Monthly)

from $16.00 every month

Alas! Good coffee delivered to your doorstep on a monthly basis!

Choose whole bean or have it ground for your brewing device and you’ll be ready to make that sweet sweet cup of coffee in no time!!

Coffee of the Month: We love new coffees and get at least one exceptional offering for our pour over menu each month, so, we said, hey! why not share that coffee with y’all and for that matter, why not make it on a recurring basis, so you can see how we build and update our menu and what coffees we love to buy.

Espresso: Our shop always has sweet and balanced espresso and we would love nothing more than to share it with you each month! Sometimes it changes, sometimes it stays the same for months on end, either way you’ll have tastiness in your cup every morning.

Decaf: Brew it as espresso or as a pour over, flash brew it or put through your drip coffee machine, the coffees we source for decaf are versatile, sweet and lovely to experiment with.

All coffees taste great on all brewing devices since we roast for sweetness and balance!!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at

Grind Size: